The way I see it, there are four types of people. There are people who are not even aware that a problem exists. They go about their lives happily oblivious the staggering wickedness worked upon the innocent and stay focused instead on their own lives in their own world. They mean no harm and they see no harm. Then there are people who know a problem exists but simply choose to ignore it. These are the people who have seen some of the horrors the world has to offer, but much like when an uncomfortable or annoying commercial intrudes on your Saturday morning cartoons, they change the channel. They know what is going on in the world but in order to keep from feeling guilty about it, they pretend it isn’t happening. Then there are people who know a problem exists and have compassion for those who suffer, but that is where it ends. These are the people who definitely know very well that injustice is rampant and they cry over it and rant about it and shake their fist at the sky but are never driven enough to do anything. They simply feel bad. There is a fourth group of people, however. A group of people who know a problem exist and allow their compassion to drive them to action. These are the people who will not be satisfied thinking that someone else will take care of the problem. These are the people that, as long as they draw breath, will fight against injustice in whatever way they are able. I hope and pray you are one of the latter. I know I am.
- Write a letter to your senator/representative.Heck, you can even go as far as writing a letter to the President himself!You can find out who your senator/representative is by logging on to ____, and you can send an e-mail to the President by logging on to and clicking “e-mail the President”.This is actually a very effective means of making your voice heard.These people are literally waiting to hear from you about what you think is important.
- Donate to the cause.There are several organizations that are working on the issue of human trafficking as we speak.Global Servants, Agape International Missions and International Justice Mission just to name a few!These are active agencies that seek to protect, redeem and rehabilitate children sold into prostitution and people being sold and traded like chattel.They accept support from people like you and me who want to help and be a part of the solution.
- Support someone who is going. Some of the above agencies accept volunteers to actually go and do the work, and while not everyone is called to go, there is a place for everyone to participate. Those who are going will most definitely need financial support and giving to help someone go is being actively involved in seeing the work done.
- Raise awareness in your community.Many people live under the delusion that human trafficking and slavery ended years ago and that it is not a real-life problem here in the 21st Century.They would be dead wrong.You can be an active part of raising awareness in your community by simply telling people.Once a problem is brought into the light, it cannot hide and grow in darkness any longer.Once out in the light, it must be dealt with.So you can help by dragging the horrors of human trafficking by the hair out of its comfortable lair in the darkness and exposing it to the light.Who knows?You might inspire a giver or a go-er or a pray-er in the process!
- PRAY.I didn’t list this last because it was least important.I listed it last because it is more powerful than all the others combined.Here in the United States we oftentimes say, “I guess all I can do is pray”, as if prayer is simply the last resort after trying all our “good ideas”, and I have to wonder if God just shakes His head and thinks, “You should have just asked me first…”There is great power in intercession and our prayers loose the warriors of heaven to launch into action on our behalf!Pray the eyes of those in power will be opened, that the evils of human trafficking will no longer have a place in darkness to hide and that the people and especially the children who are held captive will be liberated..
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